I am now offering at a significantly reduced tribute;
Domestic Servitude Training.
In this specific workshop/training course, the main focus will be strictly on practical, more useful ways to serve a Dominant Woman domestically, in ways that would enhance Her individual lifestyle, needs, wants, & desires.
With years of experience working and living as a Professional Dominant, and thriving in the BDSM scene, I Am proud to offer My personal expertise, methods, experience, and training that targets submissives who wish to hone their skills, revolving around domestic servitude and lifestyle subservience.
The idea came to Me after I realized how big of a niche this area of subservience was, and how, if done right, mutually beneficial and symbiotic this type of D/s relationship can truly be. Living in NYC, I benefit in the greatest ways through masterfully trained domestic subs, because of My fast-paced, intricately busy lifestyle.
If you’re tired of bouncing around, feeling unfulfilled with your progress, hopelessly searching for the right direction or perfect fit within a household, this could be the opportunity you’ve been searching for.
You will be working hands-on, under My strict guidance, within a well-equipped, clean, safe, non-judgmental domestic play-space in NYC. As opposed to a standard BDSM session, this personalized training is specifically designed to further enhance your domestic skills, and build a trusting / meaningful relationship with your Domina in a more intimate setting. But I’m NOT saying that standard BDSM sessions cannot build strong foundations, trust, and meaningful connections! They absolutely can! I am just making a point that every submissive has different ways of serving.
From day one, you will be immersed in your role, and receive targeted training exploring your niche within a Dominant’s lifestyle.
An example of some, but not limited to, the skills you will master as a domestic:
Thoroughly understanding that every Domina is different. While one Domme may prefer one thing, another Domme will want it done in a completely different way. Never compare Dommes, and come serving with a fresh, clean slate, ready to learn.
How to properly and efficiently clean an entire space, cleaning BDSM equipment, using cleaning products/equipment.
Laundering clothes — washing and caring for latex, delicates, boots, shoes, etc.
Properly cooking and serving food, coffee, tea, wine, champagne, etc.
Running errands; food shopping, retail shopping, coffee runs, delivery runs, etc.
Chauffeuring your Domina around NYC and/or the outer boroughs.
Learning to properly pamper your Domina; foot/body massage, giving a pedicure, assisting in Her beauty routine, etc.
Learning, researching, and completely understanding all about your Domina; how She functions, how She likes Her space run, understanding and pleasing Her needs/wants/desires, learning about Her life and passions, and contributing your time, energy, and labor towards Her life.
Body language - adhering to specific physical protocol: kneeling, crawling, compromising positions, partial bondage, wearing restrictive-wear/collars/cuffs/masks/hoods/harnesses/latex/faux leather/outfits, etc.
Adhering to strict verbal protocol and commands.
Receiving health and lifestyle management.
Financial management.
Gift giving, exercises in selflessness.
Maintaining the highest level of hygienic practices— eating clean, shaving, grooming, being all-around clean/hygienic.
Presentation; being/looking presentable, clean, adhering to your Dominas style preferences.
Learning to actually understand and adhere to the D/s dynamic.
Physical hard-labor.
An understanding to never expect anything in return, never top from the bottom, and never ask favors, and/or break the dynamic, or the limits of your Domina.
An understanding to never project any of your “fantasies” onto your Domina, or impede progress with any of your own selfish desires.
Building stronger communication skills. Being able to articulately communicate your thoughts, wants, needs, and any issues that may arise.
Being open and honest in every aspect.
Building genuine trust and connection.
Building a sense of community and kinship within the lifestyle.
Learning how to remotely serve your Domina in-between in-person encounters, such as doing homework, assignments, or any side jobs She requires.
Having and maintaining a social media presence.
Learning strict D/s protocol and submissive etiquette.
Building self-control, discipline, focus, and patience.
Building real-world life skills that can enhance your future/current relationships, whether they are D/s or vanilla.
It is vital you understand that as a domestic, you don’t just come into someones space, mindlessly clean the space, then leave. Most subs are quick to get cheap thrills or attention, and take more from the mediocre experience they create than they actually give. If you harbor this sort of attitude, this training is NOT for you.
You are being invited into someones inner circle, and expected to adhere to their individual needs and desires. No two Dommes are alike, or like things done the same way. This is a journey; a whole, long, process that takes time to ripen.
I’ve developed methods to deepen the experience for both parties involved, making room for a genuine, meaningful connection to blossom; as well as a deeper understanding of what the dynamic really is/should be (at least under My standards). Most subs who seek to become a domestic, are either not understanding what they are actually seeking, not trained, seek to only indulge in their desires, give nothing in return, and/or have no direction. They not only disappoint the Domme, but themselves.
If/when done right, the goal is to continue to thrive in the lifestyle with a deep sense of meaning, accomplishment, true purpose, productivity, wisdom, experience, kinship, a sense of community, and a better understanding of your Dominant and yourself.
I have curated specific tributes for this type of training that I find are not only fair, but are accessible to everyone. (EMAIL or CONTACT for the exact tributes for 1 hour, 2 hour, or 3 hour blocks of training.) Multi-hour, overnights, errands, and more specific types of training can be discussed on a case-by-case basis. You must contact before or after you submit an application below for the exact tributes and we can discuss. Most subs set aside one to two days a week for this type of domestic training for the most effective, consistent, and fulfilling outcome.
*I must also note, again: THIS IS NOT A STANDARD BDSM “SESSION”, and the protocol for a session as opposed to this type of training is drastically different. If you have any questions about this, you are free to CONTACT Me and I will elaborate further. To book a standard BDSM session, you can do so HERE.
After initial training begins, there is room to personalize the tribute based on the individual (Flat weekly/monthly tributes as opposed to per hr). This drastically depends on: how much time they can put aside, how their performance is, their financial situation, and what their goals are in the long-run.
If you are looking for freebies, or not looking to compensate Me for My training/guidance/energy/time, this is NOT FOR YOU. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO DISCOUNTS. AND NO BEGGING. I don’t care how “good” or well-trained you call yourself. If you have to revert to asking for freebies from a Professional working hard in their field, that is a huge red flag, and I can already tell how much of an amateur you really are. I take this extremely seriously and do not deal with freeloaders or subs who are unable to respect My time, work, and lifestyle. I put a passionate amount of time and energy into this work. I DO NOT care how other “Dommes” do this sort of thing. I am a working PROFESSIONAL. I offer real, professional expertise, based off My years of personal experience, classic training, and countless hours working in this field. This is how I operate. If it doesn’t work for you, go elsewhere. Failure to understand this will have your application turned down. I will not elaborate any further.
On the application below, you MUST fill out every section clearly, concisely, legibly, and as detailed as possible. Any sections with missing information will result in your application to be trashed. Excessive misspellings or grammatical errors will result in your application being trashed. Disrespect or unprofessionalism will not be tolerated. You MUST have a basic understanding of the dynamic going in, or you will most likely not be accepted. DO RESEARCH and read more ABOUT ME and what I do, if you need a better understanding.
If I have found you lied on your application, your training will be instantly terminated. Be open, honest, and detailed. READ EVERYTHING, and ALL THE DETAILS BELOW, for the quickest and easiest way to proceed.
After you submit your application, I will respond as soon as I am able, but should not take longer than a few days, depending on the volume of applications. After evaluating your application, I will contact you with any further questions/concerns I may have, and if you’re lucky, we will proceed to the next step by setting up a formal in-person interview. The interview will take place at a location of My choosing (a casual setting such as a coffee shop, bar, restaurant), and what time/day works best for Me. You MUST be flexible with My schedule as much as possible. I have the right to terminate any application or interview at any time during the process, if I feel necessary.
Rule of thumb: Dress/present yourself as though you are coming in for a real job interview. Be professional, respectful, and sincere.
Good luck.